SDIG Webinar on Automating FrameMaker to DITA Migration Now Available for Viewing

FrameMaker to DITA Presentation Intro Slide

DITA Europe Conference[/caption]Now that the has passed, the Semiconductor DITA implementor’s Group (SDIG) are now able to release the slide-deck and recording of the “Automating FrameMaker to DITA Migration” session Webinar. It had been embargoed at the request of the presenters, who were giving a version of that presentation at the conference. Here areRead More

October 19th SDIG Webinar: Automating FrameMaker to DITA Migration

Automating FrameMaker to DITA

The next free Semiconductor DITA Implementer’s Group (SDIG) webinar happens tomorrow (Wednesday, October 19th) starting at 11am EDT. This month’s presentation is a case study of how Sterling Commerce used automation tools (from Stilo) to migrate their existing FrameMaker-based content to DITA XML. This presentation is aimed at those contemplating content conversion from FrameMaker toRead More